Thursday, December 15, 2005

Words You Never Thought You'd Hear Me Say...
(Listen Carefully John and Kim)

I absolutely love the people at WalMart. They were so incredibly helpful and understanding when I returned 250 dollars worth of merchandice and purchased 300 more. I love them.


greigfam5 said...

I knew that I would win you over to the dark side!!!Welcome, my child, Welcome!

melthedce said...

dude I went to walmart last night and it put me in a bad mood in 2.7 seconds... I am glad you had a good experience but I might still be a little sour from it this morning!

Rachel Ehrhard said...

Yay welcome to the blogging world Greig family!!!! : )

Kim...would it make you happy if I told you that I have been to walmart every single day for the past 8 days...yeah...that's insane!

oh and I can't find your blog site...but I'll keep trying. : )

greigfam5 said...

You can't find it because I haven't written anything in it yet. I am still recovering from all the partying at the parsonage! Hopefully, I will get to it this week because all of my men are going to be GONE!

Rachel Ehrhard said...

Oh my goodness...a house all to yourself...whatever will you do!!!

And I just want to say that i think that sounds funny...

"partying at the parsonage" :)