An Amusing Picture...
Ok...close your eyes, no wait, don't close your eyes...If you close your eyes you can't read this. So use your imagination and picture me sitting at a piano in a room with blue walls. There are 8 children and a few adults looking at me as I'm explaining to them the idea of this years christmas program. I also was going to be the one to teach them the two new songs we were learning. So as I sit at the piano and plunk out the notes, I lead them in singing. And I sing loud becuase my thought is that if they can't hear themselves, they'll sing louder and not feel like they are the only one singing, and while I'm neither a very good singer nor a talented piano player, my evil plan worked. They sang. They began to learn the new songs. And then I made them a deal that took me back to my years of grade school. I told them that if there was anyone in the room that could sing louder than me, they would get a prize. As the words left my mouth I had a flashback of Mrs. King telling us the same thing and a young Rachel thinking that that woman was indeed very loud. But you know worked too...the kids sang loud enough for me to hear them, and they even got a prize out of it.
Needless to say, after last Sunday I know why I never became a children's music would not have worked out for me. So if there are any people reading this who have ever tried to teach music to a group of children, I'd like to give you your due credit. I know you were probably underappreciated, so I thank you for doing what you do, so that I don't have to!
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