Thursday, December 08, 2005

A Day in My Life...

8:12 am...the phone rings. I realize I meant to get up 20 minutes ago and hurry to the phone. I notice that the pastor is on the phone and cleverly try to hide my "I just got up" voice. Have sneeking suspicion I have failed.

8:13am...pastor tells me the office has been closed because of the snow.

8:14am...look out window. snow? there's maybe 1/4 of an inch on the ground.

8:15am...crawl back in bed....mmmm sleep.

10:26am...wake up and realize it is way later than I had thought

10:27am....get up

10:28am....make oatmeal

10:30am....take shower oatmeal

10:55am....decide that I am a much better driver than most people here and decide I can make it into the office and accomplish some stuff today even though the rest of the county is staying indoors.

11:00am...approach gingantic hill of a driveway at church and begin ascent.

11:01am....wheels spin on ice, try to go further

11:03am...realize will not go further on ice

11:04am...reverse down curvy hill to try to find some traction.

11:05am...try ascent again miserably

11:07am...try ascent again miserably

11:09am...sit in the middle of the hill hoping no one from church sees me sitting there

11:10am...make 15 point turn to go back down hill

11:15am...return to main road, and use alternate driveway up to church/belittle myself for not trying the other driveway first and for not listening to the pastor when he told me not to go in.

12:30pm...finish "must finish" work

12:35pm...head to walmart, the only place not shut down in town

1:35pm...return home and sit on my rear end reading a book all day

7:00pm...go to grocery store in matching sweat pants and sweat shirt

7:15pm...doritos and glass of wine for dinner (so classy!)

7:20pm...create blog entry that is sure the make everyone wish they had my life

7:24pm...signing off....ciao


Lindsey said...

I do wish I had your life...
I'll put my day up too!!!

melthedce said...

sounds like the perfect life to me