Saturday, December 31, 2005

My Obligatory "End Of the Year" Blog...

Well another year has come and gone, and what do I have to show for it? Every year I start out ambitious enough to make some real changes in my life, become more organized, be healthier, not freak out so much, dry my hair more often, you know...the normal stuff...and every year I look back at the year and think, "maybe I'll do better next year." I'm like the Bridget Jones of America. Having said that, I don't see how I can possibly record all of my thoughts and feelings having to do with the entirety of 2005, and this blog probably won't be as eloquent as I'd really like it to be....hut hey, maybe it'll be better next year.

I made a lot of plans for my life last December. It's funny to see how my plans weren't quite perfect. There have been changes in my life of course...A new job, a new city, a new car, a new home, a new sister-in-law, and two new godsons. I guess those are all kind of big things. My hair is shorter, I feel slighly more mature in some areas of life...but the thing that strikes me is how much happier I am this year than I was last. Last year, I went home to visit my family at christmas and hated the thought of returning the place where I lived. I'm sure I cried. The other day I left my family, and I didn't feel like I was leaving my home, but going home. When I look back on the changes in 2005, I realize that most of them had little or nothing to do with my making a decision in the beginning. Yes I had "a say" in if they would happen or not (well most of them anyway)...I had to make a choice, but they came into my life as a part of God's goodness to me. I'm glad that God is in control of this crazy world!

So I wish you all a Happy New Year! I hope you can all look back over the past year and praise God for his goodness to you. I hope that your dreams are coming true and that God is opening your eyes to the wonderful things that he has in store for you.

So long 2005!


melthedce said...

YOU BOUGHT A DDR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yes! Ok here is what you do. You go and call a high schooler and have them come over and hook it all up.... thats what I did.... It worked wonders! Enjoy dancing and loosing l b's with it! love you!

Rachel Ehrhard said...

OH yeah I bought that bad look time I'm totally going to kick your butt in the dance off! : )

and I don't have any techies in my youth group : (

I the most techie person this church has...which is sadly evident in the fact that apparently I'm going to be leading a new "technology committee" yikes!