Do You Ever Get Overwhelmed???
I do. I find it happening at the weirdest moments. Yesterday, even being sick and all, I had this feeling that I could do it all, that I could conquer the world, and even though some of the things in my path scared me, I knew I could face it and it would all be ok.
But then there's today. Wham. For some reason today I feel like there is so much, too much, to be done. There are so many ideas firing around in my brain but I don't know which ones to choose and what to do, or what direction to head in.
Maybe that's how it is when your job is kind of a grass roots efforts. We're starting from the very beginning with little bitty seeds...who knows what grass will sprout and who is actually going to be on my team to help me cultivate this thing we're trying to grow. One day I think I know who my players are going to be and the next day I think I might need to revise my list. Sometimes it's just overwhelming. I've always felt like God has big things in store for me. I remember talking to my friends in college and knowing that God was going to do big things through us. We were, ARE, passionate people and open to God's direction...but I've always had a little bit more issue knowing what that direction was. So that's where I'm at now. I'm just sitting at my desk, with post it notes all around, to do lists covering my space, and thinking, "I'm Overwhelmed!" Not in a, "I wanna pull my hair out and poke people with sharp things," way. But rather in a way that I just know that there is a huge potential for big things surrounding me. Maybe it's not one big thing...maybe it's a bunch of little things that pull together into one big thing, I don't know.
I do know that as I was sitting here trying to figure out what to do next I saw a book that Linds gave me for my birthday. It's called, Living Out Loud. It's all about living a creative life. It tells you to play. To be free and be who you are. This quote is at the beginning of the first chapter.
"The aim of life is to live, and to live meants to be aware, joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware." - Henry Miller
So today I will open my eyes to the blessings around me. I will be in the now. I will not worry about tomorrow. I will trust that God is working out my stuff for good!
Ok...check out my blog, it's sucking a lot less as of TODAY! :)
I understand overwhelmed. and you're right it does come in waves...I think for me just starting somewhere's when I'm looking at the whole elephant that I start to get clammy and have stomach pains..but when i'm just looking at just part it seems more manageable. Oh and I like to focus on the trunk!!!
OH my word...Rach, you are the coolest! I am grinning from ear to ear at your comments. Gosh I miss you.
Ok....the Northern MN trip without pants...I've been thinking about that one a lot lately. Who'd believe a story like that...stranded...cold...dark, two girls walking to a bar...the rest of us freezing and trying to stay warm without pants on...oh dear! Jeez I miss college!
Heheh, Rachel, I just got a great picture in my head of you with the post it notes and to-do lists ... you look a lot like Seth ... ;-)
I miss you girls!!! My little ministry chicas who know what it's like to have craziness and make it into fun!
Do you girls remember when we were in the van stranded in the snow, Ingrid and I had already dropped trou and Lindsey whips out the bible and we're all praying and singing, and reading scripture...and then we saw the light, and someone said..."It's like heaven." ahahahahhahahah
yep...those were the good old days.
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