Saturday, November 05, 2005

Why I may be different from most of the World's population...

So today I'm walking through Walmart, because it's the only place I really have to shop, and I run into a lady that I had had a conversation with at our community outreach event last week. I had sent a follow up letter to their family and invited her and her children to Sunday School. She told me that she was going to bring her family to church tomorrow and she was asking me about worship times and sunday school times. And then she looked at me and asked, "What do people wear, because I don't have any dresses." And I told her there was no need to wear a dress at all, in fact most sundays I come to church in pants. Then she asked me what kind of pants. If you know me at all, you will know that I love any opportunity to discuss wardrobing for any and every situation, so to ease her fears of coming underdressed, I asked her if she remembered the pants I had been wearing last Sunday (you know because I had worn them to church and thought they would be a good guide as to pretty middle of the road dress for our congregation) and to my surprise she didn't remember what I was wearing. Hmmm...I could tell you exactly what she was wearing, although I didn't say this to her because I thought she would think I was weird. I remember most things in life by what I, and/or, the people around me are wearing at the time. Is that weird? I kinda do a mental note of people's outfits, ya in the magazines "Susan is wearing a blue top from Gap and faded lowrise flare leg jeans from Tommy Hilfiger, and her shoes don't match" That's me...paying attention to the clothes...not that I judge people...just that I notice.

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