Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Talent, Talent Everywhere...

Have you ever been in a group of people and just been in awe at how talented they are. Well in case any of you were wondering, Karaoke is WAY different in Branson than anywhere I have ever seen it before. I'll admit I do find some sick twisted joy in watching people who shouldn't be singing get up in front of a microphone and butcher songs, and I have been persuaded to watch many a karaoke showcase in my time. I have also been nudged from time to time to get up and partake in the festivities as well, but last night was different!

Our choir director at church is getting married and she invited me to a little shower/bachelorette party last night. I really wasn't all that in to going since I've been a little on the sick side lately, but I went anyway and I knew a lot of her friends were going to be there, and I was looking forward to meeting some more fun people in the I went.

Well after the dinner and present opening the restaurant we were at had karaoke. So of course we went over to check out the happenings. I guess now is when I should mention that most of these people are entertainers. That's their job. Oh man...instead of sitting back and making fun of people, I spent most of my time with my mouth hanging open in awe. I couldn't have made my voice do those things if I tried. Seriously beautiful stuff. Yep, I just said that about Karaoke. There are some talented people up in these hills...that's for sure.

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