Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Well today was definitely a weird day. I am sick. I know I have a cold or Flu or something. I spent the first part of the day trying to work through my Nyquil hangover...then the Dayquil kicked in. I'm on a vicious cycle...tonight I'll have to take nyquil to sleep. ick. Anyway I woke up feeling pretty lousy. I hate being sick. Seriously, I am the biggest baby when I'm sick, just ask my mom! But today I could just lay around on the sofa, for some reason I felt like I needed to get out of bed and come to work. So I showered (remembering all the times from my youth when mom would tell me I would feel better after I showered). Then I contemplated sucking salt water up through my nose. I know this sounds disgusting but my grandmother would swear by it, and this morning I almost did it (it's so nasty though) and strangely enough the thought made me miss my grandmother so much. I miss someone telling me to snort salt water up my nose.

Anyway I'm glad I came into work because I had a phone call and great conversation with my pastor about a possible mission plant. This stuff just gets me totally jazzed and was enough to pull me through the nyquil hangover. I really feel like some stuff might pull together, and that makes me excited but it also scares me because if this mission start is going to start, I am going to play a huge roll in it, and this is big stuff...and that makes me nervous...although my friend was saying just the other day that sometimes we get the big stuff so we see that we can't do it on our own, and I don't want to do it on my own, I want to do it with God's guidance and direction, so if you think about it...pray for me and this mission possibility!

Then I had dinner at the catholic church with some people from my church, that was all good. It kinda reminds me of what a small town I live in, I was running into people right and left! Now I am just wasting a little time before I go to choir practice. I don't feel much like singing. My throat hurts, and my head is all congested. And right now there is just one place I want to be...and it's kinda weird...but it's John and Kim's bed...yeah I told you it was weird, but earlier this year I got totally sick with the flu and it was just bad. I was up all night sick and the next day I was supposed to go to John and Kim's house to watch their boys. John came to pick me up and took one look at me and said, "you don't look so good." When I got to their house kim had made up the bed in their room with the softest sheets. and she had gingerail and sour candies and the remote control. I think I slept all day and the boys kept coming in to check on me. It was so nice. I really felt like I was home, at a time that I felt so far away from home, and those boys took such good care of me. I miss them. I've been missing old friends today...not that they're old friends, just that I haven't seen them in a while. (yes melissa...that includes you!)

well it's time for choir practice so I better get going!


Lindsey said...

I hope you get to feeling better. Being sick sucks!!!
I am convinced that the gall bladder attacks are satans way of trying to bring the world to our knees...but again he has been foiled. WE DON'T NEED THEM!!! and the surgery isn't that bad!

Rachel Ehrhard said...

Linds..words cannot express how excited I am that I get to see you one week from TOMORROW!!!!!

EEK EEK AND DOUBLE EEK! I'm so excited!!!

melthedce said...

thanks rachel I feel much better... I understand how you feel about missing people... i am so homesick right now, I just want to see my family and friends.... a little while longer til I am in WA to see the fam! Can't wait to be in st. Louis though!! I love you more than a pine tree! :)

Rachel Ehrhard said...

Oh Lisser...I love you more than a pine tree!!!

: )