Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Back In The Saddle

Well here I am folks, broadcasting live from my office. I've finally made it into work today. Mostly because I have a conference call and gobs of work to get done in the next 48 hours. I'm feeling a bit better...still way tired and my ear is still WAY clogged but anyway. It's gotta get better soon..right???

It's funny (not in a ha ha way) how busy Christmas season is, and none of it is stuff that can be done last minute. My biggest cause of anxiety right now is the Sunday School Christmas program. A Tradition in our church...but the reality is that I have 11 kids to work with, most of whom are shy and would rather run over hot coals than get up and speak in front of people. It's definitely a lesson for me, because I don't even need a reason to get up in front of people and "perform" I'm pretty much a walking freak show...but I need to remember that all people are not as overly zealous for the stage as I am and I'm trying to find a way to present the message of Christmas in a relevant way to the congregation all while engaging the kids that we are using to tell the story...eesh...I'm bound to learn something on this journey.

We came up with a great idea last night. I just hope we can make it happen. It seems a bit out of my reach, but that's why God puts people in our lives that are good at different things...to help.


Lindsey said...

You can do it.
if nothing else have the kids do a pantomime. They read the words while you run around acting out the parts.
You'd be good at that!

Ingrid said...

You're almost there...Nashville or bust! I am feeling for ya on the chaos, sickness, and stress pre- big trip.
Praying that you heal quickly and are amped up for NYWC. It's almost here...hang in there! :)

Rachel Ehrhard said...

ahahhahaa....linds you're right...

that'd be great...I could just say, "Hey guys, this'll be great...your ead the story and I'll play the parts...all of them!" : )

That would be a first for me...I'll use that as my fall back plan!

Ing...wish you were going to be there with us too! Next time we'll all go to the same conference!

Ingrid said...

Yeah...I wish I was going with y'all too! I went to Pittsburgh with a friend this year and it made it all the better.
Next year it is in Anaheim. Linds, I promise not to bail if y'all come to Sunny Southern Cal. ;)