Here is a thought that I had today. Integrity is definitely a quality that I want people to associate with me. It seems in today's age that integrity can sometimes be considered a thing of the past. I want to be a person of integrity so that people know I mean what I say. So I'll start by apologizing to all of you reading this who I have ever muttered the words, "I'll call you later," to and never called back. I'm sorry for that. I'm sorry to the woman who came out of the dressing room when I was working at Famous Barr and asked me if she looked good in the cow print dress...and I told her yes, when quite honestly it was one of the most hiddeous things I had ever seen. I'm sorry to anyone who has ever sung a solo and I have told them it sounded good when it was miserable. I'm sorry for those things, and I'll try to be better in the future. Maybe someday you'll be able to say, "I remember that was a girl with integrity."
Oh man...Rachel, your blog is my daily medicine of laughter! You ARE a woman with a main dish of integrity and a side of hilarious humor. Your blog always bring a smile to my face, woman! love you!!
I love you as well.
And I do daily think..."man, I wish I had integrity like Rach." By the way..what brought this on?
Strangely enough they're working on an employee manual here and I got in a conversation with someone who thought we didn't need it, and I was yeah we do...and they were saying how in the past there had never been one and we got in a discussion about how people of today look at their church workers differently than people in past generations...and I think it is because there are so many people in leadership positions that lack many people who are our leaders lie to us on a daily basis...I don't want to be that person...that's kinda what brought it on. I think it's good to strive for!
and I loev you too...your blog makes me smile! we're such nerds!
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