Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Wasn't going to do this but...
I wasn't going to write anything tonight, but the last couple hours of my life have been too entertaining to not record in some sort of written form. The past few hours are pretty typical of the things that take place whenever I am set free in the public arena...

I was at church until a little after 8:30 this evening and a friend and I had preiously made plans to go out for dinner after I was done. We knew it would be late, but we hadn't seen each other in a few days and we sometimes like the opportunity to do something social. So we decided to go to the Ruby Tuesdays in Branson for dinner. We had done this once before and it was pretty decent so we gave it another try.

We sit down at a booth and our waiter comes up to our table. He was a know the ones who squat by the side of your table and are all "friendly" doing their best work for the tip they hope you'll leave for them. Well this guy squats and asks us how we are and we say fine and in turn give the obligatory return question of, "how are you?" It was at this point that we knew it would be an entertaining evening because his reply was the ever so cheesy, "I'm better now"

Blah blah blah we order and he asks us if we're from around the area...blah blah blah...we tell him yes...blah blah blah anyway he finds out that we had both moved to the area not too long ago, and leaves us along...well later he comes back and asks me why I moved to the area, so i tell him about church and my job and all that good stuff and then he asks me if my boyfriend moved here with me...HA...oh man...what a line. At which point I told him I left them all behind...the "all" referring to all the men that I had been playing (that's a joke people), and then to try to make the akward situation end, I started in on a description of last years television show "The Player" which I was ADDICTED to! Anyway then he leaves...ah peace for a while...then he comes and SITS DOWN at our table with us...ummm aren't you supposed to be working...and then in an attempt to get free cake we tell him we're celebrating 5 days until my free cake but he did come back and asked if he would be celebrating with me tomorrow night for the ever important 4 days until my birthday, at which point I told him I had plans for tomorrow and friday and while I didn't really have firm plans for saturday, sunday, or monday I was sure to be making some soon.

Well mr. "smooth operator" leaves the table and the people in the booth across from us lean over and say to me, "I'm sorry, we can't even talk over here." and at first I wasn't really sure why they were telling me this, but then they told me I was being too loud. It was 11:00pm at a Ruby Tuesday...not exactly the place you go for peace and quiet...ugh. i was very upset and everything Jr. High in me wanted to be even louder and more obnoxious, but I held it in...laughed with my friend and got the card out to pay the bill... In the car on the way home my friend Aubrey said she was impressed by everything that I was able to accomplish in such a short time, like getting picked up by the waiter and being shooshed in a loud restaurant, and I told her that she was right there helping me, but then she informed me that she was only there to be my say that these things did indeed happen...why do weird things always happen to me...maybe she was right...maybe I do have a big sign that says, "If you're weird, talk to me" on me head. Well at least life is interesting!

and that my friends is a fairly typical evening in the life of Rachel...*sigh*


Lindsey said...

What a story rachel. You cease to amaze me and your ability to lure freaks to your side and some how manage to get them to nearly propose while earning yourself a great story to tell!!!

Lindsey said...

I also love that you posted 2 times in one day. YOU ARE A NERD LIKE ME!!!