Have you Ever...
Have you ever done something that makes you feel like you're absolutely going to die while you're doing it...and then you finish and feel great. That's totally how I felt this morning when I ran! I'm doing this training program called "Couch to 5K" (there's a link to the website with it on the side of my page) Anyway the whole idea is that they can turn anyone from a couch potato into a 5K runner in 9 weeks. I decided to take that challenge! I'm on week 5 I think...somewhere around there anyway and this morning I rolled my behind out of bed and went down to the park. During my third portion of running I really felt like I could quite possibly die, my muscles were buring, I was huffing and puffing, my face was red, my hair was frizzy, I was SWEATING, and then it was over.
It felt great.
Then I rememberd the encouraging words from a friend of mine doing the program too...she said, "Rachel-- you can do this. It may not feel good. It may not look pretty. You may feel like dying before it's over. But it's 30 minutes. That's the bottom line. Turn up the music, go to your "meditative" place... focus... breathe... pace yourself...and run. You can do this. I can do this. And we're going to feel great about it." So that's what I did...I was saying, "In..2..3..Out...2...3" to remind myself to breath, and I knew it wasn't pretty, but finishing gave me a sense of empowerment. I did it. Get on with your Bad Self Rachel!
You rock Rach!!!
I am so proud of you!!!!!
I was a total bummm and slept till 7:45 this morning. ha
I kind of like I'm your only friend :)
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