Thursday, October 27, 2005

If I Had a Hammer...

I'd hammer in the morning...I'd hammer in the evening...or wait...NO I WOULDN'T. The past few days I have been up to my ears in work. This weekend I have three events right in a row, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and I have been working like nuts to get everything done. Today I was putting together a sign for our Halloween thing at Church this sunday and I got to use a circular saw (and surprisingly I still have all my fingers) and I hammered about 8 million nails. into the 2X4s. I'm not so good with a hammer, and it got to be quite a lot of work when it takes 25 swings of a hammer to drive one nail. I'm thinking maybe I wasn't meant for manual Labor. Anyway the signs are done and they look Fabulous, paint, glue,'s fabulous.

Some of my friends have pointed out that I haven't posted in a while. I have been super busy. I love those weeks at work where I hardly feel like I have time to sit down, let alone get on my computer and catch up on my "computer stuff"

My cousin had a baby yesterday. A little boy named Deven...He was only 5 pound and 14 ounces. I bet he's tiny, but cute.

I don't know if there is too much else interesting going on in my world. Mostly just getting ready for some stuff at church this weekend and then next week I can sit back and breathe again. I have put so much work into this community event that we are having here on Sunday night...I just really hope some people from the community actually show up. I'm getting kinda nervous about that part, but I guess we'll see. A lady here told me that if I get 300 peopel to show up they'll have a fireworks display for me....ha...I'd love to hold her to that, so if anyone wants to travel into my neck of the woods with, let's say, 50 of your closest friends, that'd be AWESOME! It's Sunday 4-8pm! Come one, Come All....

Friday, October 21, 2005

Dr. Seuss Has Nothing On Me!


Have you ever seen a girl in green as cute as Lindsey B
She's smart and sweet, keeps things semi-neat, and likes to hang with me
She sings she laughs she prays she loves
She takes her guidance from above

Her friends strive to be like her, she makes their world more whole
Every day is adventuresome with her, living-loving-laughing the goal
She's there for you when things get down
She knows what to do to change your frown

Laughing so hard you sides do ache
monkey bread and pies to bake
Locking keys in cars, hotel bars, just to name a few
Are memories we'll keep for all times as friends forever true

There you go Linds...there's your poem...I wanted to put something in there about the sick nightgown and puking but I didn't know how to work it in...maybe next time! : )

I officially did it. i asked the landlord if I could paint and he said long beige walls. I'm bringing some color into my world! I saw something interesting yesterday that I thought I would mention. There was a lady out on the main road the other day power washing part of her driveway. That in itself was not all that weird, but the fact that she was doing it with a gigantic cast on her leg made things a little bit more fun to watch. I don't know what you make someone with a big plaster thing on your leg that you're not supposed to get wet, go outside and opperate a power washer...she was trying to keep her leg out of the way but there was water everywhere...that poor woman.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

The Things I Love

I almost wore all black today. The Cardinals lost last night...but it doesn't change the fact that I still think they are the best team in baseball. I still feel very lucky to have been born a cardinals fan! I realized last night that I might be slightly obsessed with the game when I was sitting in the church at choir with my little walkman radio and headphones. Singing alto and listening to a game at the same time did prove to create a small challenge for me, but I was up to it! Anyway there's always next year. (oh no I'm starting to sound like a Cubs fan...ack)

I was also talking with a good friend yesterday who has recently moved (yeah you know who you are) and I wanted to send a little shout out to her, and give her a smile. So I have written a little poem. and this is how is goes.

Ode to the O-G
Toasted Rav-io-li days, have seem to come and go
You've moved on to a new state now, and being lonely blows.
The Nordstrom Girl, MAC cosmetics and shoes give comfort where friends are few,
Don't worry though, or shed a tear, because the ghetto misses you!
Oh, O-G I wish you weren't so far away, now that I'm closer to home
Someday I'll see in you in the state of sequins and hair and we'll be free to roam
New business clothes and job interviews, you're looking for success
I'll always know, the truth of our friendship, TT and you the SS lots of work today. I'm thinking of painting my house this weekend. Well at least one room. I dont' know if I'll get around to it, or if I'm even allowed...still gotta talk to Larry the Landlord.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Here is a thought that I had today. Integrity is definitely a quality that I want people to associate with me. It seems in today's age that integrity can sometimes be considered a thing of the past. I want to be a person of integrity so that people know I mean what I say. So I'll start by apologizing to all of you reading this who I have ever muttered the words, "I'll call you later," to and never called back. I'm sorry for that. I'm sorry to the woman who came out of the dressing room when I was working at Famous Barr and asked me if she looked good in the cow print dress...and I told her yes, when quite honestly it was one of the most hiddeous things I had ever seen. I'm sorry to anyone who has ever sung a solo and I have told them it sounded good when it was miserable. I'm sorry for those things, and I'll try to be better in the future. Maybe someday you'll be able to say, "I remember that was a girl with integrity."

Monday, October 17, 2005

"Shut Up...Shut up!!!"

My words as Albert Pujols hits a 3 run home run out of the park on 2 outs in the top of the 9th inning to help the cardinals win game 5 of the nlcs.

oh man...too much excitement...I could have peed my pants! : )

can't wait for thursday...two more wins and I'll feel like I might get to actually see a series at Busch!!!!

oh my goodness. I couldn't be more excited right now if I wanted to be!
Struck Down But Not Destroyed

I'd be telling you some lies if I said my life wasn't revolving around baseball the past few days. I'm totally sucked into the leage championships. I am really hoping the cardinals pull out of this little slump they've been in because I think they're a great team and they deserve to win AND I have tickets to game 5 of the world series if the cardinals go! I can think of little that would make me happier than sitting in the bleachers at Busch Stadium watching the Cardinals play the Whitesox in the World Series. I guess we'll have to wait and see...maybe I'll try to find some sort of "winning dance" to do....maybe that'll help the redbirds win tonight...They may have been struck down for a few games but they are not yet destroyed...I think tonight is our night!

Life has been busy besides Baseball as well. The Relient K concert was fabulous fun! I had majoy high school flashbacks watching all the people climb out of their parents car at the doors and pile into the concert hall. It was good fun. On Friday I drove to St. Louis and got to see almost my entire family. I had lunch with my grandparents, and that was SO much fun! Then I had dinner with my parents and Aunt and Uncle...also a good time! Then on Saturday my mom's side of the family had a family reunion. I saw some cousins that I haven't seen in forever. I definitely love my family! Living closer to St. Louis definitely makes it easier to see them, and I think that is a huge blessing.

well kids that's about all. I gotta get back to work, and see if I can't find something to do to help bring the cards a big W tonight.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

How Cute Is...

I'm sending a big thank you out to Todd and Sarah for pointing out my proclivity for using the term, "How Cute Is..." Do you ever just start using a phrase? Maybe you heard a friend say it, maybe you read it in a book, or maybe you just made it up. Well I think it's pretty normal for people to add new phrases to their vocabulary but usually they quit using them after a while and end up with something even more current and hip. Well I am definitely the kind of person who starts adding phrases to their vocabulary...I however am not usually the type of person to stop using them, so I have become the "old" person I used to make fun know the one using vocabulary circa 1953 that just doesn't seem to connect or have the same "cool" factor. Like the phrase, "Peace Out." (thank you Riverside Lutheran Bible Camp) Most people have stopped using this Nope, I still use it. Then there's the phrase, "You Rock My Face Off." Thanks to Danielle Tietjen nee Waller, I can not stop using this phrase (usually to people staring at me wondering what the heck I'm talking about.) Then there's the phrase, "For fun" that I've stolen from my friend Lindsey, although I don't know that I've mastered the usage because it usually makes people think I'm asking them a question instead making a statement. Then there is my usage of the terms, "Seriously People." and "How cute is..." and starting every story with, "So..." maybe I'm a freak of nature...but that's why y'all love me right!!! : )

But seriously people, how cute is it that I have all of these random sayings??? So...the fact that you all are my friends totally rocks my face off...ahhh...For fun, I just used all of my weird sayings, so now I'm peacing out!

p.s...maybe this post proves the reason why it was so easy to sit in front of the youth group last night and tell them how uncool I am!!!! Going to see Relient K and MXPX tonight...should be fun.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I Need Direction

Yesterday I went to a local youth leaders meeting. It was fun to meet other people in the area besides the ones from my church (not that there's anything wrong with the people at my church, I love them a lot, but it's nice to meet a few outsiders.) The meeting was great, but it was also a little mentally exhausting for me. We were talking about our ministries and I realized how little I actually know about youth ministry. ugh. And then as were talking I began thinking about all the things I should, could, and would do with youth ministry at this congregation and it was just exhausting. I am at the point in my job where I need to start heading in some direction with the ministry that's been laid in front of me.

Sometimes I'm a little overwhelmed at the tasks that are in front of me. I mean "starting outreach" at a congregation could me a gazillion different things. Building a youth ministry (from toddler to young adults) can also take many different forms. And at times I feel in over my head, but I know I can handle it. I know that I am meant to do this kind of work at this point in my life, and I know that God is here and working everything through's just finding that gets me every time.

I'm reading a book about today's youth. I don't know what I think about what the author is saying. He's talking about youth and how they've been abandoned in our culture, and how they then create their own culture and stuff (I haven't read too much of it yet, so I don't know that I have a complete grasp on where he's going..but still) Maybe it's just because I had a good childhood, I never felt abandoned. Maybe it's hard for me to see the hurt in other kids because I never felt that, and if that's the case how do I minister to youth who are a part of this "hurt" culture. Hopefully I'll find out.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Pics From My Party

This is Ben, me and Aubrey at the Mud Lounge...a coffee shop/bar. Wow...very interesting. Fun was had by all....well at least I had fun!

Pics From My Party

Me and the we're kinda squished on the sofa here...but how cute are we! : )

Pics From My Party

This one is me cheesing at the restaurant...I don't know if there is anyone who likes taking pictures of herself more than me.

Pics from my Party

This is my godson Lucas partying hardy with us at my Birthday dinner. Seriously, how cute is he! He drooled all over was a gift from him to me on my birthday. And for you St. Louis folks who are seeing this, if you don't recognize the father of the baby...that's Pat Craig. I'm so glad they came out to celebrate with me!!! :)

Pics From My Party

This one is of my friends Dayna and Aubrey as we were getting ready to go out for the evening...can I just say that I love these girls...they're sisters and they've welcomed me into their sisterhood....I love them...thanks for a good night girls!!! I love getting ready time. It's the best!

Monday, October 10, 2005

Yay...Happy Birthday to ME!

lala's my la makes me happy!

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Branson and mamma and birthdays...Oh My! the past few days have been entertaining to say the least. On Friday a bunch of people from church took my out for dinner at this fabulous Greek restaurant in town (I can't believe we actually have a Greek restaurant.) That was fun and they made me feel sooo loved, and gave me a wonderful birthday present, and cake and singing...ooh and a manhattan...what more could a girl ask for!

After dinner I called my friend Aubs (as I am now referring to her!) We decided to check out this new martini bar that was in Branson. Wow...holy cow...this place was um..well interesting. There were 6 people in the bar including us and the bartender who spent most of the time we were there MIA. Everything was covered in animal print...even the bartender. The martini was not bad, but the atmosphere was leaving much to be desired, so we decided to blow that joint and hop on over to the Outback Pub. Actually this is probably the most normal hang out place that I have found in the Branson glittery lights and syrupy country music. Anyway we ordered a beer and not 5 minutes after we entered the (very crowded) establishment we found a table sat down, and were "visited" by a very "well hydrated" individual who sat down right next to me. He had two friend with him and "driver friend" decided to leave the two drunk friends behind and the two drunk friends decided they were going to be best friends with me and Aubrey. It provided for some pretty decent entertainment...nothing like laughing at the drunk men from Terre Haute Indiana...did you know people from Terre Haute Indiana have southern accents. I thought that was funny. Ah well, we had a good laugh about our new friends for quite some time, and if you ever give me a call I can give the complete account, although you probably don't want to know.

My mom came on Saturday. I love my mom...I love hanging out with her! It's been so fun. When she got here we went shopping in Branson and did our best to find the best deals possible at the outlet malls. I feel like we were pretty victorious. Then we had a little escapade with trying to get some pizza for dinner...did you know that even on Saturday nights almost EVERTHING near me closes around kidding and apparently the people they have working at Pizza Hut aren't the sharpest tools in the shed...or at least the girl who was "helping" us. So we had a little bit of an interesting time...also a good story if you ever have time to listen to it...needless to say Mom made it all happen, and we totally ended up with some pizza (an hour and a half after we were supposed to get it...but we got it)

Today we went to Eureka and I had fun walking around and checking out the shops. We ate lunch at the haunted hotel...didn't see any ghosts...well if we saw any ghosts we just assumed they were people...nothing too spooky. I was a little disappointed. Anyway there was a folk festival going on. People playing music all over the place. It reminded me of walking around Minneapolis with Danielle once, bound and determined to find some live music. It was great.

and now I am exhausted. I stayed up to watch the cardinals play last night...woke up early for church and have been running around like a cray person. maybe I'm getting too old for this...I sure hope not. Tomorrow is the big day...tomorrow I turn 25. I'm going to get some beauty sleep...I have to start wrinkle prevention now...

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Just call me "Abby Normal"
So tonight I was trying to read this book that the local "Youth Group Leader Association" is reading. It's called Hurt. And I was reading and thinking of how weird I am when I read non-fiction type books. For some reason I feel like I have to soak up all the information and glean all the wisdom that I can from some random person's findings. It's like the Holy Grail is in there or something and I have to get it all figured out. I can't just enjoy the read and let the overall reading effect my worldview...I have to read and re-read every little bit to suck out all the good stuff. So it takes me from someone who usually reads very quickly to someone who reads very very slowly.

I wondered if that was normal...and then I thought it probably wasn't and it was just one more way that I am a little stranger than the next person. It's like in Young Frankenstein when they steal the brain, and they have these problems and the doctor asks Igor what brain he took and he said he took the one named, "Abby Normal" but really what it said was, "Abnormal" For some reason that always makes me laugh. Gotta love that movie. brain isn't working well in general today...I'm tired, didn't feel like I got too much done today and I've been working straight since 9:30ish. So since I've put in almost a full 12 hours I guess it's time to go.

So for some reason this verse popped into my head today, maybe I needed to hear it, or maybe someone who's reading this needed to hear it but here it is...."But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me." (That's 2 Corinthians 12:9)

Happy 4 days 'til my birthday....oh and GO CARDS!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Wasn't going to do this but...
I wasn't going to write anything tonight, but the last couple hours of my life have been too entertaining to not record in some sort of written form. The past few hours are pretty typical of the things that take place whenever I am set free in the public arena...

I was at church until a little after 8:30 this evening and a friend and I had preiously made plans to go out for dinner after I was done. We knew it would be late, but we hadn't seen each other in a few days and we sometimes like the opportunity to do something social. So we decided to go to the Ruby Tuesdays in Branson for dinner. We had done this once before and it was pretty decent so we gave it another try.

We sit down at a booth and our waiter comes up to our table. He was a know the ones who squat by the side of your table and are all "friendly" doing their best work for the tip they hope you'll leave for them. Well this guy squats and asks us how we are and we say fine and in turn give the obligatory return question of, "how are you?" It was at this point that we knew it would be an entertaining evening because his reply was the ever so cheesy, "I'm better now"

Blah blah blah we order and he asks us if we're from around the area...blah blah blah...we tell him yes...blah blah blah anyway he finds out that we had both moved to the area not too long ago, and leaves us along...well later he comes back and asks me why I moved to the area, so i tell him about church and my job and all that good stuff and then he asks me if my boyfriend moved here with me...HA...oh man...what a line. At which point I told him I left them all behind...the "all" referring to all the men that I had been playing (that's a joke people), and then to try to make the akward situation end, I started in on a description of last years television show "The Player" which I was ADDICTED to! Anyway then he leaves...ah peace for a while...then he comes and SITS DOWN at our table with us...ummm aren't you supposed to be working...and then in an attempt to get free cake we tell him we're celebrating 5 days until my free cake but he did come back and asked if he would be celebrating with me tomorrow night for the ever important 4 days until my birthday, at which point I told him I had plans for tomorrow and friday and while I didn't really have firm plans for saturday, sunday, or monday I was sure to be making some soon.

Well mr. "smooth operator" leaves the table and the people in the booth across from us lean over and say to me, "I'm sorry, we can't even talk over here." and at first I wasn't really sure why they were telling me this, but then they told me I was being too loud. It was 11:00pm at a Ruby Tuesday...not exactly the place you go for peace and quiet...ugh. i was very upset and everything Jr. High in me wanted to be even louder and more obnoxious, but I held it in...laughed with my friend and got the card out to pay the bill... In the car on the way home my friend Aubrey said she was impressed by everything that I was able to accomplish in such a short time, like getting picked up by the waiter and being shooshed in a loud restaurant, and I told her that she was right there helping me, but then she informed me that she was only there to be my say that these things did indeed happen...why do weird things always happen to me...maybe she was right...maybe I do have a big sign that says, "If you're weird, talk to me" on me head. Well at least life is interesting!

and that my friends is a fairly typical evening in the life of Rachel...*sigh*
Have you Ever...
Have you ever done something that makes you feel like you're absolutely going to die while you're doing it...and then you finish and feel great. That's totally how I felt this morning when I ran! I'm doing this training program called "Couch to 5K" (there's a link to the website with it on the side of my page) Anyway the whole idea is that they can turn anyone from a couch potato into a 5K runner in 9 weeks. I decided to take that challenge! I'm on week 5 I think...somewhere around there anyway and this morning I rolled my behind out of bed and went down to the park. During my third portion of running I really felt like I could quite possibly die, my muscles were buring, I was huffing and puffing, my face was red, my hair was frizzy, I was SWEATING, and then it was over.
It felt great.
Then I rememberd the encouraging words from a friend of mine doing the program too...she said, "Rachel-- you can do this. It may not feel good. It may not look pretty. You may feel like dying before it's over. But it's 30 minutes. That's the bottom line. Turn up the music, go to your "meditative" place... focus... breathe... pace yourself...and run. You can do this. I can do this. And we're going to feel great about it." So that's what I did...I was saying, "In..2..3..Out...2...3" to remind myself to breath, and I knew it wasn't pretty, but finishing gave me a sense of empowerment. I did it. Get on with your Bad Self Rachel!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Get up Baby...Get Up!
Is there anything better than listening to Mike Shannon call a baseball game? I'll admit it. I'm a little bit of a baseball fan. Maybe I should rephrase that. I'm not as much a fan of baseball as I am a fan of the St. Louis Cardinals, and today as I was listening to Mike Shannon call the first game of the post-season on my office radio, I decided I was lucky to have been born a St. Louis Cardinals fan. There's just something extra exciting about Baseball in October. It's even more exciting when you hear Mike Shannon saying, "Get up baby, Get up!" into his microphone. Any self respecting redbird fan knows that when those words come out of Shannon's mouth, they're more than likely to be followed with the details of another Cardinal homerun. Today we were lucky enough to have the details of a Grand Slam. It just makes me smile. What a game...what a team...what a town. I think that's on a t-shirt somewhere and if it's should be!

Today was filled with so many things I could ramble about...there's the cards game that I could probably talk about forever...the lady that took FOREVER to vaccum my 10ft by 10ft office...the post cards from my gypsy friends frolicking around Europe...the old people at the community choir rehearsal (yes I sing in the community chorus with a bunch of people in their "golden years")...or maybe the phone call to a friend I haven't talked to in forever, followed by a fabulous, over and hour long, phone conversation with Linds, at which point we both decided we were hopeless techie nerds who unfortunately don't really even know enough to be dangerous yet (*grin* thanks for the help linds!)

I guess it's a good day when you can think of a ton of stuff to write life is full, and that's definitely something to be thankful about!
I always thought I was a techno-genius. I am trying to set up this blog, which in my mind is going to be insanely interesting to read and incredibly hip to look at. Unfortunately I can't figure out how half the stuff on the admin site works. argh. I hate when things don't go as quickly as I'd like.

Monday, October 03, 2005

I'm officially a Blogger!
What to write in your first ever blog...hmmmm...I don't even know if anyone will read this...except for maybe Linds! : ) But if you're here, WELCOME! I firgured since my "blog obsessed" friend had a page...maybe I would try it out as here goes. It is exactly one week until my 25th birthday. Yep...I am fast approaching my quarter of a century mark. I promised myself I wouldn't freak out. Of course I find myself wondering if I will somehow become more responsible and adult-like (of course rental car agencies think this is the case because I will no longer have to pay the stupid under 25 penalty...which makes me VERY happy...not that rent cars all that often, but maybe my drivers insurance will go down!)

I find myself singing that Peter Pan song to know when the little boys sing, "I won't grow up. I won't grow up." Unfortunately I'm just avoiding the inevitable. Maybe growing up isn't so bad. I mean I do have my own sweet action duplex, granted I rent it, and my own car that no one had to co-sign on, and I finally figured out how to responsibly pay all my bills on time and eliminate the debt that I so wonderfully accumulated during my college spending days.
Tonight I sat at dinner with a boy that I have known as long as I can remember and we celebrated his 25th birthday...he survived the ordeal and he still has the ability to joke about silly stupid maybe, just maybe, I will be ok too!