Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Happy New Year Miss Crabby Pants...

Ack...today I am crabby. I am openly admitting it to my blogging world. I think I must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed or something. I can't quite figure out what my problem is. I am frustrated with myself for always wanting to be a people pleaser...but not always liking what I have to do to please them. I'm not sure if this makes much sense, but it always seems to me that at my busiest points of the church year, someone comes up to me with a great idea that they've had. Their ideas usually are legitimately good. The only problem with it is that they very rarely want to actually do the work to make their great idea happen, and they expect me to carry out that portion of the equation. Me, being the people pleaser, trys to find every way to do that, but one person can only do so much and I always end up frustrated with them for putting stuff onto me that's just getting in the way of things I am trying to accomplish. so today that's part of my frustration.

The other thing is people saying things that aren't 100 percent truthful trying to make themselves look better. It drives me nuts....

And then there's my television. I broke down and bought a Play Station 2. I really, really, REALLY wanted to get the Dance Dance Revolution game, because I'm a big old nerd like that, and I finally did it. Only last night as I was trying to hook it up to my television I couldn't quite figure it out...and between my cable box, vcr, dvd play, and PS2 there are so many wires coming and going that I can't figure it out.

Ugh...Frustration. I hate being crabby...and I want my tv to work. ah well...tomorrow is another day.


Lindsey said...
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Lindsey said...

Miss Crabby pants, I am here to inform you that it is time for these pants to be taken in to be fitted for a new pair of SHOES. It is our philosophy that shoes can alter the state of a person's mind and help fight certain mean girl toxins that can so easily creap in when the shoe joy has worn off since the last time these certain pants have been worn. If shoes are not an option we recommend drinking...lots of drinking or a good new novel found at a local bookstore or library. While the library is cheap sometimes the selection leaves something to be desired. Oh, did I mention shoes, drinking, and good books...ok these are the happy uppers recommended to help change a Miss crabby pants into the Loveable fun life-bettering Rachel Lou we all love an adore!

Rachel Ehrhard said...

Oh Lindsey! It's so funny that you say that because as I was sitting in my front room getting more and more angry with my television, I thought I should go buy some shoes...but being that I live in the Ozarks and cute shoes are at least an hour's drive away I decided to go to the library, pick up a little Jane Austen and have a glass of wine. It worked wonders...I feel great today! : )

You know me so well!