Why Fashion is Fun...
So here's the deal everyone. I am totally going to bring back the legging look. I think the world has gone long enough with the absence of leggings and I think it's time for them to make their comeback...and I'm going to help.
I don't claim to be any type of trendsetter or even someone that other people think they should dress like...in fact i would probably more often find myself on the list of "what not to wear." But here's the thing...I don't dress so other people think it's cute. I dress because it makes me happy.
So here's to leggings and the first pair that are on their way to my house!
Oh Rach...this blog is a terrific example of what makes me love you. You're awesome, sister! Go leggings go...I think we'll expect to see a photo of you wearing leggings once they arrive...:)
wow you're hott. when did you buy that little white skirt?
ok...so I was walking into chapel today and one of my 7th grade students was wearing brown leggings with lace at the bottom...I think I had them in coral when we were in 3rd grade. yeah baby!
I'm telling you man...the leggins are FOR REAL coming back...and I'm helping...
I did not buy the little white skirt...who wears little white skirt...I am SO not bringing that look back! : )
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