The Church...
I don't know how exciting this will be to read, or if it will even make sense...but it's something I feel like I need to get we'll see if writing it down makes me feel better.
I love the church (and by that I mean the Body of Christ.) I don't know when I developed such a love for it but I did. Maybe it's why I do what I do. But here's the deal...there are some things that happen within the church that sometimes make me sad, confused, and frustrated.
I know a church that is going trhough the Worship Style struggle right now. They are going through the process of trying to add a contemporary service and whether they are going about it eh right way or not, there are things happening that are hurting people in very big ways.
When I was in NC the church I was serving was going through the same struggle and I saw a huge rift divide the people of that congregation and almost everyone was hurt by decisions made. And here i am watching (from the sidelines) another church go through the same thing. The parallels in these two situations are amazing. It's almost like deja vu. I wish I had a magic wand that I could wave and make all the pain and hurt go away and help people get to the place they need to be, but I can't. (and I'm not sure how much good it would do anyway)
I agree that these are good conversations to have, but people get so wrapped up and lost within them. I sometimes wish people would put half much energy into spreading the Gospel to the lost as they did worrying about what song they want to sing on Sunday morning, what words "work best" for them during confession, and if they should kneel for communion or do "drive-thru" It's just so frustrating. I mean do you think God looks at his church and says, "YES! That's what I created you for."
ack...I'm too tired to write any more about this now...but it just saddens me to see the hurt in these struggles.
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