Sunday, November 12, 2006


So it's no secret that I'm not good at waiting. In fact I'm pretty horrible at it. I used to joke that when God gave out the gift of patience, I was at the end of the line. When I was growing up I was at my friend Ingrid's house and I remember we were hungry...really hungry. We found some frozen dinners in the freezer and groaned when the package said we were going to have to wait a whole 2 and half minutes for the dinner to be done. I guess I'm ok with the fact that I'm a not a good waiter...I have other gifts. I was reading a book this evening as I was preparing for my Sunday Evening Bible Study group and it said that we should write down all our thoughts on waiting... so here are some of mine.

it's hard...

I think I don't like waiting because I'm afraid of what the outcome might be...or more that the outcome won't be what I want it to be. Maybe it's a lack of faith or trust. How many times have I read in scripture that God has a plan for my many times have I heard people say, "if it's not worth waiting for, maybe it's not worth having." And yet this culture that we live in tells us we should have everything right now. Fast food. Convenience shops. ATMs. Pay at the Pump. Credit Cards.

It's not good enough to get out of college and get your feet on the ground, but you're supposed to be successful and make decent money so you can pay off your college loans and drive a nice car and have a nice home...and the constant question, "why aren't you dating anyone? Don't you think it's time to start thinking about getting married and having a family?" It seems we are always being rushed into the next phase of life. It seems like sometimes waiting is equated with being're just waiting for something better to come along.

Maybe waiting is more about being in the "now" than anticipating the next best thing. I used to always feel content in the moment. I find as I grow older, I grow bored quicker...When I'm bored I become discontent, and when I'm discontent I start looking (rathing impatiently) for the next best thing to come along.

What would our lives look like if we lived in the now...if we embraced each moment for what it was and what it was worth...what if we really lived like each day was a gift that we have been given. What would it look like if we lived like each day would be our last.

I don't know...I suppose i could write on forever and ever on this subject and never make any sense whatsoever...but people are arriving for Bible Study so off I go.

1 comment:

Ingrid said...

Oh sister, so good to read a Rachel post again. Gosh I've missed reading about your life!
Hmm...seriously, food for thought on the waiting gig. I resonate with what you are saying.

Also, I think I referenced "Minnesta goodbye" today (a family phrase of a long goodbye where you stay and keep trying to leave but keep bringing up a new topic...) and I added to my list, "Missour break your legs". I was totally serious when I commented earlier in the month about how much I loved you writing about the desire to break someone's legs but I knew I couldn't start to say it outloud cuz I might actually do it...sigh, I pray for self-control and restaint. ;)