Wednesday, November 22, 2006

To Give Thanks...

One of my favorite Thanksgiving moments was when I was living in a house with some amazing women. I could write about it here and tell you all about it, but instead I'm just going to tell you to check out Lindsey's blog (it's linked on the side of my page). Feel free to join in the fun and add to the list of things you're thankful for. It's as creative or ridiculous as you want!

This year, take some time to think about the things that you are thankful for...maybe start with the things you take most for granted...I'm sure you'll be blessed by the experience.

Happy Thanksgiving (tomorrow) to everyone!

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

so I hear you have a digital excuses for not posting a new picture EVERY day! ha. I want to see Lucy, your house, your messy room, the new hair, beautiful Kimberling, the wicked cool meals you make...and most importantly YOU!