Day off...
This is probably the thing I struggle with the most in church work. I know I'm supposed to take a day off, but I rarely do it...
I don't know why, but there times when I get busy...we all know what that's like. But for some reason I can't pull myself away from the office. Two weekends ago I was in Chicago with my Sr. High. Last weekend we had a big youth fundraiser. This weekend I'm taking the Jr. Highers to camp. And in the middle...there's been no downtime.
And last night in the midst of Lenten Mid-week chaos...I realized I was tired. And I needed a day off. Knowing that I wouldn't take Friday (my "usual" day) I decided today would be the day.
But I know I'm just a little bit of a poser. Becuase here I sit at 10am still at home...but only becuase Aaron has my car up and is changing the oil. I can't go anywhere. But as soon as that car is ready to go...I can almost count on the pull from my office being too great. I'll probably go in. There are things that need to get done. Deadlines to meet.
I've decided though that what I need is a cruise. Who wants to go???