Thursday, January 25, 2007

My List...

I have never been much of a list maker. Seriously I don't do it because I make the list, then it gets misplaced and I never find it again. Plus I'm the type of person who will just put things on a list so I can cross them off, usually meaning that I write something on the list that I have already done so I start off with a sense of accomplishment...My friends are list people...and recently my dear friend made me a "to-do" list for the month of january, but since I got it halfway through the month, I'm going to let it carry over into February. Here it is...

Rachel's January to do list:
1. Try a new food never eaten before (done...had the mexican steak wrapped around some kind of pepper...tres good. )
2. run at least 3 times per week (so far so good!)
3. Read 1 fun book and 1 educational book (halfway through the fun book...working on another)
4. take a risk (still not sure what this means...I mean I know what it means, just not sure what type of risk to take...hmmm)
5. organize shoes in closet (I'm moving this to last...I hate about I pay someone to do it...)
6. throw away all socks and hose that have holes (this could also take a while...)
7. knit a scarf for lindsey (totally working on fact we found the lost yarn, so I have officially started TWO scarves for lindsey!)
8. write a letter to someone you haven't talked to in over a month
9. get a car wash
10. put all car cds in a book (this seems pointless but I'll give it a go!)

It does feel good to have the makes me feel like I'll accomplish something that I hadn't intended on doing in the first place. Plus it holds me to some running...sometimes I just don't feel like doing it, but it's on my I must!

Anyway I'll keep you all posted as to anything interesting that results because of my list. I'm sure there will be something...there always is.


Lindsey said...

splendid progress my friend!
And a cd book will help save your cds from dying the pain of being scratched to death.

Ingrid said...

Wow...Lindsey used the word splendid, that is FUN! Glad to see the list gig is working for ya...lists are cool (says the nerdy girl who re-writes her to do list dailiy!).

Becky O'Hara said...

You haven't written to me in over a month, so write to me and then you can cross one of the things off of your list. I miss you Rach!
How's Lucifer? :) I miss her too!

And I had no idea that you knitted! I'll send you some fun knitting patterns that I've tried and liked.