What's the Verdict???
Myspace and the kids in my youth group...If they're posting stuff about alcohol and party and junk (even if in all likelihood they aren't drinking or partying...well some are, some are just writing it to be cool)...do I call them out on myspace with a message or try to talk them in person or what....
your input is greatly appreciated...
Well, you probablly already know how I feel but...YOU SO NEED TO TALK TO THEM!! They'll listen to you better than anyone else. Not only are they being stupid, but they are bragging about it. ~Kim
P.S. If it is one of mine, I want you to "chew them a new one!!!!!!!!"
here is what I know a lot of people do. The youth leader lets them know that they are reading their myspace pages and that they will call them out on stuff... but you have to follow through on that. So yes send them a message on there asking them what is going on and then talk to them in person if at all possible. Let them know you love them and care for them but you are worried about them at all. Remind them thats it confidential unless it seems like it is becoming a problem, but they are looking for someone to call them out on it deep down or they wouldn't have put it up... if you are daring enough to write what you write on myspace where anyong and their mother can check it (which I hope mothers do check them) they be forewarned that if you write crap you will get crap. :)
happy day! :)
miss ya
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