Monday, April 30, 2007

NPR Today...

As I was driving around town early this morning I was given the opportunity to listen to my beloved NPR. I've been a bit out of the news lately so I'm not as up to date on the world happenings as I usually like to be...but I'll make no excuses for my ignorance.

At any rate as I was stuck in Branson West traffic (which will be my fate for the next year at least, while they are doing road construction) I was able to hear quite a few stories on Morning Edition. The topics haven't changed that much...who's going to be the Democratic nominee, Reconstruction in Iraq, people complaining about the president...people defending the president...

What I was most surprised at was listening to some guy (whose name I can't even remember right now) give an interview...the interviewee was prepared with an answer no matter what the question was, and he didn't stumble over his words or need time to think...he knew what he believed in and he knew the information he was willing to share, and he gave if confidently. Whether I agreed with him or not, I was impressed with this guy.

There are so many times that I am asked for an opinion or someone challenges my beliefs, or challenges the essence of who I am and what I do...and it takes me time to regroup, usually the first thing out of my mouth isn't exactly what I wanted to say and share...10 minutes after the fact I think of something really wise and impactful that I could have said. I wonder if the guy on NPR ever feels that way.

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