Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I don't...

I dont't talk to my brother enough. I love talking to my brother. When we talk, we don't talk about much...over the phone that is. We don't see each other too often...and we don't talk all that often...but I love my brother. I like just hearing what's going on in his world. I think we are so much alike, and so different at the same time. It's weird...and I don't know how to explain it, but I just talked to him, and I left the conversation knowing that I wish I talked to him more.

I guess I have to give props to my parents for raising us the way they did. I'm not sure how they managed to make sure that two kids so close in age ended up liking each other. I'm only guessing that my brother likes me as much as I like him.

he's my big brother...and I look up to him.

I guess that's all I have to say about that.

1 comment:

Ingrid said...

Rach, this post makes my heart smile. Beautiful! I'm soooo stinking glad that you and your dear bro are close, what a gift! It doesn't also happen and I love that you appreciate your relationship so much.
What a fun post to read! :D