I Simply Remember My Favorite Things...
What a week...So much has happened since I last wrote a blog the day after Christmas. It's been busy, crazy, fun, tiresome, confusing, fabulous and so much more. I recently spent 4 days in Minnesota. Some of my favorite people still live in the Twin Cities and I try to get up there to visit them a few times a year. This visit was special though because there were no conferences, youth groups, events, meetings, or anything else that was on the agenda...just good quality friend time. So if you'd like...take a walk with me down memory lane from my last few days of 2006 to the beginning of 2007. First off...I was completely wrapped up in the adorableness of Godson Noah. I don't think this child could be any cuter, or have more personality. He has grown so much since the last time I saw him (and that was only 4 months ago!)
I love this child! I had so much fun playing with him, listening to him say "Hi" and observing his "Pity the Fool Face" and when you ask him what a snake says you can actually get him to smile like this...

Also I think Godson Noah liked the Christmas presents I brought! The cell phone seemed to be a big hit, and once he figured out how to walk in the snow boots I think he really liked them! Here he is geared up with some of his Christmas presents...

There was no shortage of fun while I was in MN. I love my Minnesota friends. Hanging out with Best Friend Danielle's Husband Paul is always a highlight. What I love about Paul is that the more I get to hang out with him, the more I feel like he is truly a friend of mine...he's not just my friend's husband but he's a friend as well...and he's funny...he coaches me in old school arcade racing games, watches late night CNN, Conan and the horrible Carson Daly Show, and reads bedtime stories about how to be a better superhero! He'll be talking complete nonsense one minute and the next he says something that is really profound. Also, another perk to being paul's friend is that he'll let you try on his Valentine's Pants... 
Then there are my girlfriends...my sisters...Hanging out with Lindsey and Danielle is always fabulous. The only problem is that there just isn't enough time. And on top of Lindsey and Danielle time I even got to hang out with Laura...who is more beautiful every time I see her. I love these women. We laugh, cry, talk, eat, sing, play, and try to solve the worlds problems. They are better friends than any person could ask for. Here are some pics of the "photo shoot" with Laura...

And of course no trip to MN would be complete without a "sister's picture." My New Year's resolution this year is to make sure at some point all of the sisters are together in one place at the same time so we no longer have to talk about photo shopping someone in! Inga you were missed!
oh...and here's a fun one of Linds and I at midnight! Just before we played the messed up, not real, version of Balderdash...stupid Matel.
There are so many things I could say about this trip. I had so many highlights....from worshipping with my friends and bringing food to the homeless people on the snowy streets, to singing the goodnight lullaby to my Godson with his mother who happens to be my best friend. I wish that I could share in the everday life of these beautiful people. At this point in our life God has called us to different places, but thankfully the distance has not make these friendships any less fabulous, I actually think they have gotten stronger and more beautiful as the years have gone by. I cannot wait to see where God takes us! Lastly I got to be with Danielle and Lindsey as Noah experienced his first snow...we took about a gazillion pictures, but blogger will hate me if I try to post them all...so I'll close with a couple of pics that I adore of Godson Noah and me in the snow! Cheers to my friends...Cheers to 2006...and Cheers to a fabulous 2007!

Then End!