I never thought I'd miss....
I never thought I'd miss Minnesota, but I do. It might have something to do with the fact that I just spent an amazing week up in the Twin Cities at a conference where I learned more than I thought I would, and got to spend a lot of time with some of my favorite people.

That's my beautiful Godson, Noah. Wednesday was his mom's birthday, so Lindsey and I took Noah out on a date to the Olive Garden! It was so fun getting to hang out with Noah when there weren't a gazillion people around and I could get to know him. He has an amazing personality and he loves to laugh. He's happy and that makes me happy!!!
The conference I went to started on Thursday. I got to present for one of the modules with my friend Jill who graduated with me. It was fun to be in front of a group of people that included some of the people who taught us in college, and some of the people we graduated with. I also went to a section about church planting, and ministry to different cultures. I just gotta say that God was totally speaking to my heart and helping me to figure out some stuff that I have been praying about. My heart really did ache when I heard people talking about ministry in the city. I love the city. I miss the city. I feel called to the city. But at the same time, I know that my call isn't to a city right now and God just opened my eyes and showed me that there are exciting things about ministry right where I'm at, so I'm looking forward to seeing where some of those things might lead me.
Friday night Dani and Lindsey and I went out to celebrate Dani's birthday.

I forget how much I just like to sit around and talk with these girls. They are amazing women who make me a better person just by being around them.
Saturday night was Dani's birthday party. Since she's kinda addicted to Grey's Anatomy, the party was a Grey's theme and we were all supposed to wear scrubs, except for the ones that came from the thrift store that Linds and I got ours from were GINORMOUS!!!! I was in a bit of a crabby mood for because I had to wear the scrubs that looked ridiculous, so we started joking around about it. I figured since there was so much extra room in the pants I might as well make it look like my butt was bigger, so I stuff some stuff down my pants. I realize how absolutely ridiculous that sounds, but at the moment it seemed like a good idea! So I got a few shirts to make my butt look bigger. Then Lindsey decided she would help us to laugh a little bit more...and she got a full size pillow and put it in her pants. It was HILARIOUS. I thought I would pee my pants I was laughing so hard. So I had her put the pillow in my pants too...(this story does not make us sound very cool, but I assure you, at the time it was so funny...you would have laughed and asked if you could stuff the pillow in your pants too!)
We decided we should take our new booty gear with us to the party to let Danielle see how funny we are! Sunday I went to church at Woodbury where Linds works and it was great to be there. I hung out with the friends a little bit more on Sunday night and then work up and drove hom this morning at 4:30. Needless to say. I am pretty tired. But the trip was fun and well worth the fatigue I am feeling right now!
It is official. I miss Minnesota.