Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Peter Pan and Tennis...

What do these two things have in common...well not a whole heck of a lot, except for the fact that these were the things that occupied my evening.

Tonight I picked up my racket and played tennis for the first time in way over a year. It was a lot of fun. I didn't stink as bad as I thought I would (don't get me wrong, I wasn't spectacular by any means, but still it could have been way worse.) By the end of the second set I had a couple pretty nice hits...I think if I could get my serves down a little better I'd be a worthy opponent.

When I got home, I had my house all to myself, so I decided to totally veg out on the couch and watch a movie. My roommates have a copy of the Peter Pan movie that came out a couple years ago and since I had never seen it I decided to give it a go. was so good. I just kept thinking that it captured the story quite well. Anyway, it was well worth my time.

So all in all I must say that this evening was rather enjoyable for me. Having said that, if anyone happens to be swinging through my area and wants to take me on in a little tennis match, you just give me a hollar!!!

1 comment:

melthedce said...

um excuse me... I want the stitches story! Sorry I haven't called you back.... mel's life=insane! Let's talk soon! I miss my rae rae!