On my recent trip to Hait I got to meet the child I sponsor with Compassion International! Meet Judie....

She's absolutely adorable and it was great to spend the day with her. I think you can tell from the pictures that she and I both have an element of "sassiness" that we're working with! I love this kid!!! I don't have many pictures to share because I was the crazy person who left all her memory cards back in St. Louis, so I'm waiting on copies of Joanna's pictures, but she sent me this one in an email!
For a little over two years I have been sponsoring Judie through Compassion International. We've written letters back and forth but up until a couple weeks ago we had never met. She lives in Haiti and has recently moved to a place that is a lot closer to where I am when I travel there, so it was possible for me to meet her this year.
In case you didn't know Compassion International "exists as a Christian child advocacy ministry that releases children from spiritual, economic, social and physical poverty and enables them to become responsible, fulfilled Christian adults." They are serving over 900,000 people in 24 different countries. They really do a great job caring for the whole person. I love being a part of this organization.
You can read more about the organization at www.compassion.com. Their words are better than mine!
Like I said in my last blog, I'm trying to live my life knowing that the choices I make, not only affect me, but many other people. Compassion is just one of the ways that I choose to give back, and I wanted to share a picture from my trip with you...hope you enjoy!
If you're interested in giving 32 dollars a month to sponsor a child you can click on the link below, or you can click on the link in the side margin of my blog...or just email me, and I'll help get you set up!
Click Here to Sponsor a Child!