Today my heart broke...
I've been in a bit of a news bubble the past week or so. I was at the National Youth Workers Convention (which made me think...alot.) and then I got back and the past three days have been a bit busy.
This morning I finally read the news...and my heart broke. I knew there was a topical storm going on down near Haiti. I knew Haiti was in the midst of it, but I didn't know how bad it was. People say flooding and that doesn't mean much to me. I've never really seen real flooding. I saw it on the news when the big rivers in St. Louis flooded years ago, and I saw things on the news when Katrina hit New Orleans, but this morning on I watched mothers in Haiti, smaller than me, put their 10-12 year old daughters on their shoulders to carry them over a rushing river so that they could get to school without damaging their uniforms. For some reason that broke my heart. What action will follow...I'm not sure. I'm not sure what I can do to help the people that I love so much. But when I come up with something, I'll let you know.